When completing academic papers, the rules of writing are essential to ensure a high grade, regardless of how great your ideas are. Common errors that students frequently make can bring research papers down, making the student lose confidence in their ability, feel disheartened, and feel frustrated. Use this guide to help ensure that your work is not losing marks for simple mistakes.

#1 – Spelling. While most students rely on spell check, simple typing errors can create issues. Sentences can have a different meaning due to the absence of a letter in a word. While the word is still spelled correctly, it differs from what the writer means. Another common issue is an English UK vs. English American spelling. Check which language your program is set to avoid commonly misspelled words. Finally, make sure to check the spelling and meaning of words. For example, they are and there. Knowing which words to use can help erase simple mistakes in your writing.

#2- Using the same word or phrase repeatedly. This is very common when someone lacks the knowledge of the words or phrases needed to express their feelings. Unfortunately, this is very common when someone is writing in their second language. A thesaurus can help, providing suggestions for other words, but remember that not all word ideas may have the same meaning. Asking others to proofread your work can also help to improve your grade.

#3 – Planning. Students sometimes are so eager to get an assignment started that they do not plan out their work. As a result, the introduction may be too long, the argument is poorly constructed, and the conclusion is missing. Time planning an article is never wasted time. It lets you structure your arguments logically, include accurate resources, and demonstrate your academic ability.

#4 – Stick to your word limit. There is a reason why an organization has given you a word limit. Going over the word count is not a way to show the reader all your knowledge to get a higher grade. Planning, organization, in-depth analysis, clearly demonstrating your view, and referencing can help show your academic ability. But this must be limited, showing your ability to be concise and reach the point.

#5 – Issues with referencing. All articles must reference other academic sources by citing the results of other academic writers. This will help you to strengthen your argument. However, several referencing styles exist. MLA, APA, Chicago, and Harvard are all different ways to reference, so ensure that you reference the way your school requires. Follow guides online to help if needed.